18 Kommentare zu “Melsec Web Page Designer Tool

  1. I can’t download the software because the link is broken. Can you send it to me via gmail?

  2. Harshal Singh am :

    I can’t download the zip files the link is broken.
    Can you please send it to me via gmail ?

    • Gerd Zeller am :

      you might need a google account. I did send you the files via wetransfer.
      If you have any more questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
      Gerd Zeller

  3. JITHIN RP am :

    I am not able to download the zip file.
    how can i download it?

  4. Hi,
    Can you send the download file?

    Is this software Mitsubishi or it is yours?

    • Gerd Zeller am :

      Hello Claudio,

      i will send you the files via wetransfer.
      The Software is from Mitsubishi Japan.
      I hope you enjoy working with it.

      Gerd Zeller

  5. Taygun am :

    Can you send the download file?


  6. Johnny am :

    Please can you send me the „Melsec Web Page Designer Tool“ software ?

    Thank you and happy new year !

  7. Hello Mr.Gerd Zeller
    I am not able to download the zip file.
    how can i download it?



    Think you.

  8. Antonio am :

    Hi Gerd,
    can you send it via wetransfer link?

    Thank you, soo much !!!

  9. Nguyễn Hoàng Nam am :

    I can’t download the files.

    Can you send them to me via email?

  10. HI,

    Great tutorial… Could you send me the software please?


  11. phungvande am :


  12. korawith am :

    I can’t download the software.Can you send it to me via gmail?

  13. I can’t download the software. Can you send it to me via gmail?

  14. Pankaj am :

    hello Zeller,

    Can you please send this software to me as well please..

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